Wrapping Up March
10:26 PM
I was talking with another Intern the other day and she was sharing how she thought when she arrived here it would be more like an extended spiritual high or that she would feel so much closer to God. However, the reality is, it often feels quite the opposite. She said that oftentimes she actually feels further away from God being here at the Nest. If I’m honest, I relate with that statement a lot.
I expected to always feel energized and excited every morning. I expected my prayer and devotions to become utterly amazing. I expected to see God moving in big and clear ways all the time. But more often than not, I have to carefully and diligently look over my week to make sure I didn’t overlook God’s hand at work. The truth is, He is working. His fingerprints are all over this place. But sometimes I think I just miss it in the chaos.
So with that, let me share a few of those God-sightings from the past couple weeks.
- Last week I had the coolest conversation with Ms. Claudette (a preschool teacher at Robin’s Nest Preschool). This lady has never spoken a word to me, but out of the blue as I was bringing some tools down to the preschool she suddenly started talking about King David — how messed up and unqualified he was, yet how God used him in mighty ways and called him a man after God’s own heart. She shared how our own lives oftentimes feel like complete messes, or that we are far from the kind of workers Jesus would want but how, just like King David, God can use our mess and our brokenness. It was sorta just what I needed, so I thought that was pretty awesome.
- My midterms are done. I’m taking three online classes to finish out my sophomore year and it is not fun at all. It feels like I’m jumping through a bunch of hoops. But midterms are done, so that’s mildly chill.
- The boys and I ran down to the river for an evening swim. Sometimes you just need a shirtless walk through the jungle with the boys — just saying. You’ll understand when you’re a man.
- Easter Sunday was cool. There were a a lot of people in the little entry-way where we have church (a big week-long team was here). So worship was loud and energetic, which is something that I wish you all could hear. It is pretty cool hearing thirty-plus little voices screaming,
Oh! Death! Where is your sting?
Oh! Hell! Where is your victory?
Oh! Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead! He’s alive! He’s Alive!
I definitely had some mixed emotions going on with my first Easter Sunday away from my family. Instead of trying to write them out, I’m going to let you read a Facebook post by a fellow Intern here — I think she basically said the exact words I was feeling.
It's weird being in Jamaica on Easter. My parents weren't here with a basket of my favorite candy. I didn't go have a big dinner at my grandparents house. I didn't even worship in a church. Instead I was the one giving little sticky fingers more candy. I was at the beach counting heads, eating PB&J, and taking care of a boy who was sick from too many sweeties. I worshipped in our entry way to some of the kids' favorite songs. I've realized how Americanized the holiday has become to me and how spoiled I am. And although I was away from my family, the pod moms, the kids, and my group of friends here made it one of the best Easters I've experienced. With that being said, happy Easter from Jamaica.
- Finally, I got a lot of encouragement through social media and email these past couple weeks. Many of these people probably didn’t know it, but, God used the little messages, verses, and your hearts to bless me. I am usually the guy using social media for jokes or sport, and oftentimes dismiss it as a non-personal and fabricated waste of my time. However, God definitely used it and more importantly, you guys, to bring light and a smile to my life these past few weeks. Thanks.
I really appreciate the fact that I can write this and know that there will be people I care about who will read it. That in itself is an encouragement. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. You are all playing such a huge part in reminding me of God's grace! If you are curious about subscribing to this blog or financially giving, scroll to the bottom of the page. Keep looking for Jesus' hand at work wherever you are and have a wonderful week!
The Great Wall of China.
The boys aren't really professional photographers.
Swimming in the river.
Some simple joys.